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Friday, July 7, 2017

Stockbroker mechanical pencils are a different breed. They are almost always oversize, heavy and well made. The materials range from solid gold to silver plating and everything in between. Typical lead size diameter is the extra large 5.6mm. The story goes that traders on the stock exchange floor found the thick lead pencils useful in hurriedly scribbling buy and sell orders. Lengths depicted here range from the 5 3/4 inch clipless, sterling model on top to the extra short 3 1/4 inch example on the bottom. Pencils of this type were produced from the 1920's all the way into the late 1940's.

From top to bottom the makers of the pencils are: a no name, an Edward Todd, a Hicks, another no name and a Victor.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

  Joseph Dixon Crucible Company produced primarily wooden pencils from the mid-1800's into the 21st century. They are still in business as Dixon Ticonderoga Company, still producing wooden pencils. Here showing is a pamphlet they did for the kids. Printing date is 1904. The cover is not worn. It was printed to look like that.  Enjoy.